Download OpenAPI specification:Download
These endpoints allow you to push masterdata and transactional data in your nostress plateform.
We offer 2 modes for data ingestion :
CSV files
: you have to put files with headers on a provided google cloud storage bucket or on your own SFTPREST API
: All endpoints require an authorized Google Cloud Platform provided userPOST /input/sales
POST /input/sales
POST /input/traffic
File store_YYYYMMDDHHmmss.csv.gz
Frequency daily
Mode delta
Stores lines to Create/Update
id required | string[a-zA-Z0-9_\-\s]+$ KEY : Store id |
name required | string[a-zA-Z0-9_\-\s]+$ Store name |
bmode required | string or null (Business mode) [a-zA-Z0-9_\-\s]+$ Business mode. Example : RETAIL, WHOLESALE, OUTLET, FSS, LICENCE. (empty for warehouse) |
scope required | string or null (Scope) Enum: "MAG" "STORE" "WEB" "MKP" "APP" Scope/Channel. (empty for warehouse) |
country required | string or null (Country code) ^[A-Z]{2}$ Example : FR, ES, US, BE. (empty for warehouse) |
city required | string or null City |
region_name required | string or null[a-zA-Z0-9_\-\s]+$ Commercial Region name |
is_wh | boolean or null Is warehouse |
is_deported_wh | boolean or null Is Deported warehouse |
is_web | boolean or null Is digital store |
typology | string or null (Typology) Typology. Example : SUCCURSALE, AFFILIATE, FRANCHISE |
is_affiliate | boolean or null Is Affiliate (to restrict specific access) |
street | string or null Street & number |
street_complement | string or null Street complement |
postal_code | string or null ZIP code |
state | string or null (State) US/Canada State. Example: CA, TX, NY, FL… |
zone_name | string or null Commercial Zone name |
localisation | string or null (Localisation) Localisation : Example : CC, CV, ZAC, BEACH |
surface_vente | integer or null Sales area in m2 |
latitude | number or null Latitude Geo |
longitude | number or null Longitude Geo |
categorie | string or null (Category) Store category. Example FLAGSHIP, CITY, SPORT |
cluster | string or null (Cluster) Store Cluster. Example A+, A, B, C |
surface_categ | string or null (Sales area category) Sales area category. Example S, M, L, XL |
concept | string or null Store Concept. Customisable |
status | string or null Store Status : Customisable |
restriction | string or null Access restriction: Customisable (Example : Pass Sanitaire) |
string or null Store user email address for Kathy access | |
photo | string or null Public Url of the store’s photo |
new_store_id | string or null (New Store Id) [a-zA-Z0-9_\-\s]+$ New Store Id : Example : 987654A |
s_attr_01 | string or null Custom Attribut 01 |
s_attr_02 | string or null Custom Attribut 02 |
s_attr_03 | string or null Custom Attribut 03 |
s_attr_04 | string or null Custom Attribut 04 |
s_attr_05 | string or null Custom Attribut 05 |
s_attr_06 | string or null Custom Attribut 06 |
s_attr_07 | string or null Custom Attribut 07 |
s_attr_08 | string or null Custom Attribut 08 |
s_attr_09 | string or null Custom Attribut 09 |
s_attr_10 | string or null Custom Attribut 10 |
s_attr_11 | string or null Custom Attribut 11 |
s_attr_12 | string or null Custom Attribut 12 |
s_attr_13 | string or null Custom Attribut 13 |
s_attr_14 | string or null Custom Attribut 14 |
s_attr_15 | string or null Custom Attribut 15 |
s_attr_16 | string or null Custom Attribut 16 |
s_attr_17 | string or null Custom Attribut 17 |
s_attr_18 | string or null Custom Attribut 18 |
s_attr_19 | string or null Custom Attribut 19 |
s_attr_20 | string or null Custom Attribut 20 |
property name* additional property | any |
[- {
- "id": "SAMPLE_STORE_123",
- "name": "Sample Store",
- "bmode": "RETAIL",
- "scope": "MAG",
- "country": "FR",
- "city": "PARIS",
- "region_name": "PARIS CENTRE",
- "is_wh": false,
- "is_deported_wh": false,
- "is_web": false,
- "typology": "SUCCURSALE",
- "is_affiliate": false,
- "street": "32 Rue de Paradis",
- "street_complement": "Local 22",
- "postal_code": "75010",
- "state": "CA",
- "zone_name": "FRANCE NORD",
- "localisation": "CC",
- "surface_vente": 200,
- "latitude": 48.8759888,
- "longitude": 2.35205888,
- "categorie": "FLAGSHIP",
- "cluster": "A+",
- "surface_categ": "XL",
- "concept": "NOSTRESS CONCEPT",
- "status": "New Opening",
- "restriction": "Pass Sanitaire",
- "email": "",
- "new_store_id": "string",
- "s_attr_01": "string",
- "s_attr_02": "string",
- "s_attr_03": "string",
- "s_attr_04": "string",
- "s_attr_05": "string",
- "s_attr_06": "string",
- "s_attr_07": "string",
- "s_attr_08": "string",
- "s_attr_09": "string",
- "s_attr_10": "string",
- "s_attr_11": "string",
- "s_attr_12": "string",
- "s_attr_13": "string",
- "s_attr_14": "string",
- "s_attr_15": "string",
- "s_attr_16": "string",
- "s_attr_17": "string",
- "s_attr_18": "string",
- "s_attr_19": "string",
- "s_attr_20": "string"
{- "entity_group": "string",
- "entity_type": "string",
- "job_id": "string",
- "line_count": 0
File product_YYYYMMDDHHmmss.csv.gz
Frequency daily
Mode delta
Product Masterdata to Create/Update
id required | string[a-zA-Z0-9_\-\s]+$ KEY : Product id |
short_desc | string or null Short description |
img | string or null Product image URL |
internal_name required | string^(?!\s*$).+ Internal name |
season | string Active season |
original_season | string Original season |
activity | string or null[a-zA-Z0-9_\-\s]+$ Hierarchical level 0 |
division | string or null[a-zA-Z0-9_\-\s]+$ Hierarchical level 1 |
segment required | string[a-zA-Z0-9_\-\s]+$ Hierarchical level 2 |
family | string or null Hierarchical level 3 |
subfamily | string or null Hierarchical level 4 |
theme | string or null Theme label |
model | string or null[a-zA-Z0-9_\-\s]+$ Style Code |
model_name | string or null[a-zA-Z0-9_\-\s]+$ Style Name |
size_grid required | string or null Variant classification group |
color | string or null Color code |
lib_color | string or null Color label |
lib_coloris_regroup | string or null Color group name |
stock_ignore | boolean or null Stock to be ignored (like plastic bags etc…) |
revenue_ignore | boolean or null Revenue to be ignored (like Shipping fees etc…) |
seller_bonus | string or null Seller Bonus |
objectif_groupe | string or null Refer to Badge files |
attr_01 | string or null Custom Attribut 01 |
attr_02 | string or null Custom Attribut 02 |
attr_03 | string or null Custom Attribut 03 |
attr_04 | string or null Custom Attribut 04 |
attr_05 | string or null Custom Attribut 05 |
attr_06 | string or null Custom Attribut 06 |
attr_07 | string or null Custom Attribut 07 |
attr_08 | string or null Custom Attribut 08 |
attr_09 | string or null Custom Attribut 09 |
attr_10 | string or null Custom Attribut 10 |
attr_11 | string or null Custom Attribut 11 |
attr_12 | string or null Custom Attribut 12 |
attr_13 | string or null Custom Attribut 13 |
attr_14 | string or null Custom Attribut 14 |
attr_15 | string or null Custom Attribut 15 |
attr_16 | string or null Custom Attribut 16 |
attr_17 | string or null Custom Attribut 17 |
attr_18 | string or null Custom Attribut 18 |
attr_19 | string or null Custom Attribut 19 |
attr_20 | string or null Custom Attribut 20 |
property name* additional property | any |
[- {
- "id": "SAMPLE_PRODUCT_12345_RED",
- "short_desc": "Fantastic sample product",
- "internal_name": "SAMPLE NAME RED",
- "season": "23S",
- "original_season": "22W",
- "activity": "APPAREL",
- "division": "WOMEN APPAREL",
- "segment": "DRESSES",
- "family": "SKIRT",
- "subfamily": "LONG SKIRT",
- "theme": "Christmas",
- "model": "SAMPLE_PRODUCT_12345",
- "model_name": "Sample Product 12345",
- "size_grid": "SML",
- "color": "RED12",
- "lib_color": "Light red",
- "lib_coloris_regroup": "RED",
- "stock_ignore": false,
- "revenue_ignore": false,
- "seller_bonus": "BONUS_JEANS",
- "objectif_groupe": "WOMEN",
- "attr_01": "string",
- "attr_02": "string",
- "attr_03": "string",
- "attr_04": "string",
- "attr_05": "string",
- "attr_06": "string",
- "attr_07": "string",
- "attr_08": "string",
- "attr_09": "string",
- "attr_10": "string",
- "attr_11": "string",
- "attr_12": "string",
- "attr_13": "string",
- "attr_14": "string",
- "attr_15": "string",
- "attr_16": "string",
- "attr_17": "string",
- "attr_18": "string",
- "attr_19": "string",
- "attr_20": "string"
{- "entity_group": "string",
- "entity_type": "string",
- "job_id": "string",
- "line_count": 0
File variant_YYYYMMDDHHmmss.csv.gz
Frequency daily
Mode delta
Variants lines to Create/Update
id required | string[a-zA-Z0-9_\-\s]+$ KEY : Product variant id |
product_id required | string[a-zA-Z0-9_\-\s]+$ Master product code |
size required | string Size OR Characteristic name |
property name* additional property | any |
[- {
- "id": "SAMPLE_PRODUCT_12345_RED_M",
- "product_id": "SAMPLE_PRODUCT_12345_RED",
- "size": "XS"
{- "entity_group": "string",
- "entity_type": "string",
- "job_id": "string",
- "line_count": 0
File ean_YYYYMMDDHHmmss.csv.gz
Frequency daily
Mode delta
GTIN/EAN lines to Create/Update
id required | string[a-zA-Z0-9]+$ KEY : GTIN/EAN |
product_variant_id required | string[a-zA-Z0-9_\-\s]+$ Product variant id |
property name* additional property | any |
[- {
- "id": "3716382839172",
- "product_variant_id": "SAMPLE_PRODUCT_12345_RED_M"
{- "entity_group": "string",
- "entity_type": "string",
- "job_id": "string",
- "line_count": 0
File stock_YYYYMMDDHHmmss.csv.gz
Frequency daily
Mode full
stock on start of the day, the without zero stocks
Every sundays for historical data
Stocks lines to Create/Update
created_on required | string <date> KEY : Inventory date ( on morning ) |
store_id required | string[a-zA-Z0-9_\-\s]+$ KEY : Store id or warehouse id |
product_variant_id required | string[a-zA-Z0-9_\-\s]+$ KEY : Product Variant Id |
stock_type required | string[a-zA-Z0-9_\-\s]+$ KEY : Stock Type |
stock required | integer Stock Quantity |
season_id | string or null Season Id / Collection |
seasonality | string or null Seasonality |
plan_cluster | string or null Cluster (Planned) |
real_cluster | string or null Cluster (Real) |
price_type | string or null Enum: "regular" "clearance" "promo" Price Type |
property name* additional property | any |
[- {
- "created_on": "2019-08-24",
- "store_id": "SAMPLE_STORE_123",
- "product_variant_id": "SAMPLE_PRODUCT_12345_RED_M",
- "stock_type": "AVAILABLE",
- "stock": 0,
- "season_id": "string",
- "seasonality": "string",
- "plan_cluster": "string",
- "real_cluster": "string",
- "price_type": "regular"
{- "entity_group": "string",
- "entity_type": "string",
- "job_id": "string",
- "line_count": 0
File po_YYYYMMDDHHmmss.csv.gz
Frequency daily
Mode delta
Purchase orders lines to Create/Update
id required | string[a-zA-Z0-9_\-\s]+$ KEY : Purchase order id |
product_variant_id required | string[a-zA-Z0-9_\-\s]+$ KEY : Product Variant Id |
created_on required | string <date> Order date |
qty_cde required | integer Ordered quantity |
qty_receipt required | integer Receipted quantity |
pr required | number Cost price in Company Currency |
laupr required | number Launch price Excluding Taxes in Company Currency |
type_commande required | string Order type |
season required | string Season Id / Collection |
date_livr_upd required | string <date> Updated Delivery date |
zone_id | string Nostress Stock Zone Id |
date_livr_init | string <date> Initial Delivery date |
date_livr_reelle | string <date> Real Delivery date |
date_mad_init | string <date> Initial Factory date |
date_mad_upd | string <date> Updated Factory date |
date_mad_reelle | string <date> Real Factory date |
date_etd_init | string <date> Initial ETD date |
date_etd_upd | string <date> Updated ETD date |
date_etd_reelle | string <date> Real ETD date |
date_eta_init | string <date> Initial ETA date |
date_eta_upd | string <date> Updated ETA date |
date_eta_reelle | string <date> Real ETA date |
date_rdv_init | string <date> Initial RDV date |
date_rdv_upd | string <date> Updated RDV date |
date_rdv_reelle | string <date> Real RDV date |
status | string (Order Status) Order status. Example : OPEN, DELETED, RECEIVED |
pays_fournisseur | string (Vendor country code) ^[A-Z]{2}$ Example : FR, ES, US, BE |
pays_commande | string (Departure country code) ^[A-Z]{2}$ Example : FR, ES, US, BE |
fournisseur | string Vendor name |
mode_transport | string (Shipping mode) Shipping mode. Example : AIR, SEA, ROAD, TRAIN |
ref_container | string Container reference |
ref_navire | string Vessel name |
lieu_depart | string Departure place |
lieu_arrivee | string Arrival place |
property name* additional property | any |
[- {
- "product_variant_id": "SAMPLE_PRODUCT_12345_RED_M",
- "created_on": "2019-08-24",
- "qty_cde": 0,
- "qty_receipt": 0,
- "pr": 0,
- "laupr": 0,
- "type_commande": "MEP",
- "season": "21E",
- "date_livr_upd": "2019-08-24",
- "zone_id": "string",
- "date_livr_init": "2019-08-24",
- "date_livr_reelle": "2019-08-24",
- "date_mad_init": "2019-08-24",
- "date_mad_upd": "2019-08-24",
- "date_mad_reelle": "2019-08-24",
- "date_etd_init": "2019-08-24",
- "date_etd_upd": "2019-08-24",
- "date_etd_reelle": "2019-08-24",
- "date_eta_init": "2019-08-24",
- "date_eta_upd": "2019-08-24",
- "date_eta_reelle": "2019-08-24",
- "date_rdv_init": "2019-08-24",
- "date_rdv_upd": "2019-08-24",
- "date_rdv_reelle": "2019-08-24",
- "status": "OPEN",
- "pays_fournisseur": "FR",
- "pays_commande": "FR",
- "fournisseur": "string",
- "mode_transport": "SEA",
- "ref_container": "ABC12329FR",
- "ref_navire": "TITANIC",
- "lieu_depart": "TUNIS PORT",
- "lieu_arrivee": "PARIS CDG"
{- "entity_group": "string",
- "entity_type": "string",
- "job_id": "string",
- "line_count": 0
File customer_YYYYMMDDHHmmss.csv.gz
Frequency daily
Mode delta
Customers lines to Create/Update
id required | string[a-zA-Z0-9_\-\s]+$ KEY : Customer id |
dob | string <date> Date of Birth |
country | string (Country code) ^[A-Z]{2}$ Example : FR, ES, US, BE |
gender | string Gender |
optin_email | boolean Optin Email |
optin_sms | boolean Optin. SMS |
store_id | string Affected Store id |
segment | string Customer Segment |
recruited_on | string <date> Recruitment Date |
property name* additional property | any |
[- {
- "id": "CUSTOMER_SAMPLE_123",
- "dob": "2019-08-24",
- "country": "FR",
- "gender": "M",
- "optin_email": true,
- "optin_sms": true,
- "store_id": "SAMPLE_STORE_123",
- "segment": "VIP",
- "recruited_on": "2019-08-24"
{- "entity_group": "string",
- "entity_type": "string",
- "job_id": "string",
- "line_count": 0
File budget_YYYYMMDDHHmmss.csv.gz
Frequency daily
Mode delta
Budget lines to Create/Update
created_on required | string <date> KEY : Goal Date |
store_id required | string[a-zA-Z0-9_\-\s]+$ Store id or website id |
objectif_ca required | number Turnover Goal incl. taxes in store country currency |
objectif_ca_eur | number Turnover Goal incl. taxes in Company currency |
objectif_ma | number Gross margin goal in store country currency |
objectif_ma_eur | number Gross margin goal in Company currency |
lfl_exclude | boolean Exclude this store from Like For Like on this date |
working_hours | number The working hours of the employees |
property name* additional property | any |
[- {
- "created_on": "2019-08-24",
- "store_id": "SAMPLE_STORE_123",
- "objectif_ca": 800000,
- "objectif_ca_eur": 12387,
- "objectif_ma": 500000,
- "objectif_ma_eur": 6387,
- "lfl_exclude": false,
- "working_hours": 8
{- "entity_group": "string",
- "entity_type": "string",
- "job_id": "string",
- "line_count": 0
File sales_YYYYMMDDHHmmss.csv.gz
Frequency hourly
Mode delta
Sales lines to Create/Update
id required | string KEY : Transaction id |
created_on required | string <date> KEY : Transaction local Date
line_id required | integer KEY : Line number in transaction |
created_at required | string^\d{2}:\d{2}:\d{2}$ Transaction local time |
created_at_utc required | string <date-time> Transaction Date and Time is UTC Time YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:SSZ |
store_id required | string Store id |
product_variant_id required | string Product Variant Id |
quantity required | integer Quantity |
currency required | string Currency (local currency) |
transaction_type required | string (Transaction Type) Enum: "V" "R" "C" Transaction Type : V (sales), R (return), C (gift cards) |
price required | number Sales price incl. taxes for this line |
valpr required | number or null Cost price for this line |
marge required | number or null Gross margin for this line |
markdown required | number or null Markdown amount incl. taxes for this line |
promo required | number or null Promotion amount incl. taxes for this line |
loyalty | number or null Loyalty amount incl. taxes for this line |
price_eur required | number Sales price incl. taxes for this line in Company currency |
valpr_eur required | number or null Cost price for this line in Company currency |
marge_eur required | number or null Gross margin for this line in Company currency |
markdown_eur required | number or null Markdown amount incl. taxes for this line in Company currency |
promo_eur required | number or null Promotion amount incl. taxes for this line in Company currency |
loyalty_eur | number or null Loyalty amount incl. taxes for this line in Company currency |
promo_label | string or null Promotion label |
loyalty_label | string or null Loyalty Label |
customer_id | string or null Customer id |
eticket | boolean or null Is electronic Bill |
season_id | string or null Season Id / Collection |
seasonality | string or null Seasonality |
canal_id | string or null Sales Channel |
shipping_country | string or null^[A-Z]{2}$ Shipping country |
shipping_post_code | string or null Shipping Zip code |
shipping_city | string or null Shipping City |
shipping_mode | string or null Shipping mode for customer |
shipping_store_id | string or null Shipping store id for instore shipping mode |
preparing_mode | string or null Preparation mode |
preparing_store_id | string or null Preparation store id for instore preparing mode |
omnichannel_store_id | string or null Omnichannel Store id assignement |
omnichannel_allocation | number or null [ 0 .. 100 ] Omnichannel Store revenu allocation in percent |
order_status | string or null order status |
shipped_on | string or null <date> date of shipment (Billing Date) |
withdrawn_on | string or null <date> date of withdraw |
return_reason | string or null Return Main Reason |
return_subreason | string or null Return Sub Reason |
origin_store_id | string or null Store id which initiate the transaction |
plan_cluster | string or null Cluster (Planned) |
real_cluster | string or null Cluster (Real) |
price_type | string or null Enum: "regular" "clearance" "promo" Price Type |
seller_id | string or null Seller |
cashier_id | string or null Cashier |
preparer_id | string or null Preparer |
property name* additional property | any |
[- {
- "id": "TRX12635378393",
- "created_on": "2022-07-31",
- "line_id": 1,
- "created_at": "17:12:12",
- "created_at_utc": "2022-07-31T15:12:12Z",
- "store_id": "SAMPLE_STORE_123",
- "product_variant_id": "SAMPLE_PRODUCT_12345_RED_M",
- "quantity": 1,
- "currency": "EUR",
- "transaction_type": "V",
- "price": 27.99,
- "valpr": 5.12,
- "marge": 15.23,
- "markdown": 3,
- "promo": 1,
- "loyalty": 0,
- "price_eur": 27.99,
- "valpr_eur": 5.12,
- "marge_eur": 15.23,
- "markdown_eur": 3,
- "promo_eur": 0,
- "loyalty_eur": 0,
- "promo_label": "BUY 2 GET 3",
- "loyalty_label": "string",
- "customer_id": "CUSTOMER_SAMPLE_123",
- "eticket": true,
- "season_id": "string",
- "seasonality": "string",
- "canal_id": "STORE_TO_WEB",
- "shipping_country": "US",
- "shipping_post_code": "75009",
- "shipping_city": "PARIS",
- "shipping_mode": "instore",
- "shipping_store_id": "string",
- "preparing_mode": "WAREHOUSE, STORE, SFS...",
- "preparing_store_id": "string",
- "omnichannel_store_id": "string",
- "omnichannel_allocation": 100,
- "order_status": "confirmed",
- "shipped_on": "2019-08-24",
- "withdrawn_on": "2019-08-24",
- "return_reason": "string",
- "return_subreason": "string",
- "origin_store_id": "string",
- "plan_cluster": "string",
- "real_cluster": "string",
- "price_type": "regular",
- "seller_id": "string",
- "cashier_id": "string",
- "preparer_id": "string"
{- "entity_group": "string",
- "entity_type": "string",
- "job_id": "string",
- "line_count": 0
File traffic_YYYYMMDDHHmmss.csv.gz
Frequency hourly
Mode delta
Store traffic lines to Create/Update
created_on required | string <date> KEY : Local Store Date |
store_id required | string[a-zA-Z0-9_\-\s]+$ KEY : Store id |
hour required | integer KEY : Hour. Example : 15 for visitors between 15h00 and 15h59 |
visitors required | integer or null Visitors count |
property name* additional property | any |
[- {
- "created_on": "2019-08-24",
- "store_id": "SAMPLE_STORE_123",
- "hour": 15,
- "visitors": 0
{- "entity_group": "string",
- "entity_type": "string",
- "job_id": "string",
- "line_count": 0
File badge_level_YYYYMMDDHHmmss.csv.gz
Frequency daily
Mode delta
Budget Goal lines to Create/Update
store_id required | string[a-zA-Z0-9_\-\s]+$ KEY : Store id |
objectif_groupe required | string Enum: "customer" "product" "ticket" KEY : Objectif Group |
objectif_type required | string[a-zA-Z0-9_\-\s]+$ KEY : Objectif Type |
created_on required | string <date> KEY : Start Validity Date |
end_on required | string <date> End Validity Date |
objectif_value required | number Goal Value |
objectif_base required | number Goal Base |
objectif_value_eur | number Goal Value in Company Currency |
objectif_base_eur | number Goal Base in Company Currency |
property name* additional property | any |
[- {
- "store_id": "SAMPLE_STORE_123",
- "objectif_groupe": "customer",
- "objectif_type": "JEAN",
- "created_on": "2019-08-24",
- "end_on": "2019-08-24",
- "objectif_value": 0,
- "objectif_base": 0,
- "objectif_value_eur": 0,
- "objectif_base_eur": 0
{- "entity_group": "string",
- "entity_type": "string",
- "job_id": "string",
- "line_count": 0
File contrib_YYYYMMDDHHmmss.csv.gz
Frequency daily
Mode delta
Stores P&L lines to Create/Update
fiscal_year required | integer = 4 characters KEY : Fiscal year |
periode_name | string[a-zA-Z0-9_\-\s]+$ KEY : Period name to be displayed in the application |
store_id required | string[a-zA-Z0-9_\-\s]+$ KEY : Store id |
ca_ttc | number Turn Over incl. taxes |
ca_ht | number Gross turn over |
marge_commerciale | number Gross margin |
marge_nette | number Net margin |
ca_autres | number Other revenu |
chg_personnel | number HR costs |
chg_loyers | number Real estate costs |
chg_affilie | number Affiliate commission |
chg_transport | number Logistic costs |
chg_publicite | number Advertising costs |
chg_autres | number Other costs |
contribution required | number Store EBITDA |
currency required | string Currency |
post_fonctionnemnt | number Post EBITDA costs |
post_contribution | number Post EBITDA |
post_lost | number Post Shrinkage |
property name* additional property | any |
[- {
- "fiscal_year": 2020,
- "periode_name": "string",
- "store_id": "SAMPLE_STORE_123",
- "ca_ttc": 0,
- "ca_ht": 0,
- "marge_commerciale": 0,
- "marge_nette": 0,
- "ca_autres": 0,
- "chg_personnel": 0,
- "chg_loyers": 0,
- "chg_affilie": 0,
- "chg_transport": 0,
- "chg_publicite": 0,
- "chg_autres": 0,
- "contribution": 0,
- "currency": "EUR",
- "post_fonctionnemnt": 0,
- "post_contribution": 0,
- "post_lost": 0
{- "entity_group": "string",
- "entity_type": "string",
- "job_id": "string",
- "line_count": 0
File product_collection_YYYYMMDDHHmmss.csv.gz
Frequency daily
Mode delta
Product collection lines to Create/Update
product_id required | string[a-zA-Z0-9_\-\s]+$ KEY : Product id |
bmode required | string[a-zA-Z0-9_\-\s]+$ KEY : Business mode |
season_id required | string KEY : Season Id / Collection |
collection required | string Collection |
sub_collection | string Sub Collection |
seasonality | string Seasonality |
c_attr_01 | string Custom Collection Attribut 01 |
c_attr_02 | string Custom Collection Attribut 02 |
c_attr_03 | string Custom Collection Attribut 03 |
c_attr_04 | string Custom Collection Attribut 04 |
c_attr_05 | string Custom Collection Attribut 05 |
c_attr_06 | string Custom Collection Attribut 06 |
c_attr_07 | string Custom Collection Attribut 07 |
c_attr_08 | string Custom Collection Attribut 08 |
c_attr_09 | string Custom Collection Attribut 09 |
c_attr_10 | string Custom Collection Attribut 10 |
c_attr_11 | string Custom Collection Attribut 11 |
c_attr_12 | string Custom Collection Attribut 12 |
c_attr_13 | string Custom Collection Attribut 13 |
c_attr_14 | string Custom Collection Attribut 14 |
c_attr_15 | string Custom Collection Attribut 15 |
c_attr_16 | string Custom Collection Attribut 16 |
c_attr_17 | string Custom Collection Attribut 17 |
c_attr_18 | string Custom Collection Attribut 18 |
c_attr_19 | string Custom Collection Attribut 19 |
c_attr_20 | string Custom Collection Attribut 20 |
property name* additional property | any |
[- {
- "product_id": "SAMPLE_PRODUCT_12345_RED",
- "bmode": "RETAIL",
- "season_id": "202021",
- "collection": "23S",
- "sub_collection": "PRE",
- "seasonality": "FAST",
- "c_attr_01": "string",
- "c_attr_02": "string",
- "c_attr_03": "string",
- "c_attr_04": "string",
- "c_attr_05": "string",
- "c_attr_06": "string",
- "c_attr_07": "string",
- "c_attr_08": "string",
- "c_attr_09": "string",
- "c_attr_10": "string",
- "c_attr_11": "string",
- "c_attr_12": "string",
- "c_attr_13": "string",
- "c_attr_14": "string",
- "c_attr_15": "string",
- "c_attr_16": "string",
- "c_attr_17": "string",
- "c_attr_18": "string",
- "c_attr_19": "string",
- "c_attr_20": "string"
{- "entity_group": "string",
- "entity_type": "string",
- "job_id": "string",
- "line_count": 0
File employee_YYYYMMDDHHmmss.csv.gz
Frequency daily
Mode delta
Employee lines to Create/Update
id required | string[a-zA-Z0-9_\-\s]+$ KEY : Employee id |
firstname required | string[a-zA-Z0-9_\-\s]+$ First Name |
lastname required | string Lastname |
store_id | string[a-zA-Z0-9_\-\s]+$ Store id |
property name* additional property | any |
[- {
- "id": "123",
- "firstname": "John'",
- "lastname": "Doe",
- "store_id": "STORE_123"
{- "entity_group": "string",
- "entity_type": "string",
- "job_id": "string",
- "line_count": 0
File badge_real_YYYYMMDDHHmmss.csv.gz
Frequency daily
Mode delta
Budget Real lines to Create/Update
store_id required | string KEY : Store id |
objectif_groupe required | string Enum: "customer" "product" "ticket" KEY : Objectif Group |
objectif_type required | string[a-zA-Z0-9_\-\s]+$ KEY : Objectif Type |
created_on required | string <date> KEY : Date |
real_value required | number Real Value |
real_base required | number Real Base |
property name* additional property | any |
[- {
- "store_id": "SAMPLE_STORE_123",
- "objectif_groupe": "customer",
- "objectif_type": "JEAN",
- "created_on": "2019-08-24",
- "real_value": 0,
- "real_base": 0
{- "entity_group": "string",
- "entity_type": "string",
- "job_id": "string",
- "line_count": 0
File shipment_YYYYMMDDHHmmss.csv.gz
Frequency daily
Mode delta
Shipment lines to Create/Update
id required | string[a-zA-Z0-9_\-\s]+$ KEY : Shipment id |
store_id required | string[a-zA-Z0-9_\-\s]+$ KEY : Store Id |
product_variant_id required | string[a-zA-Z0-9_\-\s]+$ KEY : Product variant id |
shipped_on required | string <date> Shipping Date |
received_on required | string <date> Receiving Date |
qty_ship required | integer Shipped Quantity |
qty_receipt required | integer Receipted Quantity |
status | string Status of the shipment |
valpr_eur | string or null Cost price for this line in Company Currency |
price_eur | string Sales price to the partner for this line in Company Currency |
season_id | string or null Season Id / Collection |
property name* additional property | any |
[- {
- "id": "SAMPLE_SHIPMENT_123",
- "store_id": "SAMPLE_STORE_123",
- "product_variant_id": "SAMPLE_PRODUCT_12345_RED_M",
- "shipped_on": "2019-08-24",
- "received_on": "2019-08-24",
- "qty_ship": 0,
- "qty_receipt": 0,
- "status": "CANCELED",
- "valpr_eur": "string",
- "price_eur": "string",
- "season_id": "string"
{- "entity_group": "string",
- "entity_type": "string",
- "job_id": "string",
- "line_count": 0
File discounts_YYYYMMDDHHmmss.csv.gz
Frequency hourly
Mode delta
Transactions Discounts lines to Create/Update
sales_id required | string KEY : Transaction id |
created_on required | string <date> KEY : Transaction local Date |
line_id required | integer KEY : Line number in transaction |
discount_id required | string KEY : Discount ID |
product_variant_id required | string KEY : Product Variant Id |
type | string (Discount Type) Enum: "markdown" "promotion" "loyalty" Discount Type |
label | string (Discount Label) Discount Type |
amount required | number Discount amount in local currency price incl. taxes for this line |
amount_eur required | number Discount amount in company currency price incl. taxes for this line |
property name* additional property | any |
[- {
- "sales_id": "TRX12635378393",
- "created_on": "2022-07-31",
- "line_id": 1,
- "discount_id": "BF20",
- "product_variant_id": "SAMPLE_PRODUCT_12345_RED_M",
- "type": "promotion",
- "label": "BLACK FRIDAY -20%",
- "amount": -27.99,
- "amount_eur": -27.99
{- "entity_group": "string",
- "entity_type": "string",
- "job_id": "string",
- "line_count": 0